If you’re curious about the best wintertime remedies for laryngitis and voice hoarseness, read on.
What Are The Symptoms Of Laryngitis?
Laryngitis is an inflammation of your voice box from overuse, irritation, or an infection that leads to the distortion of the sounds produced when air passes over them. Laryngitis symptoms usually last less than a couple of weeks. It is not common for laryngitis symptoms to be caused by something more severe or long-lasting. Laryngitis signs and symptoms can include:
- Voice hoarseness
- Weak voice or voice loss
- Tickling sensation or rawness in your throat
- Sore throat
- Dry throat
- Dry cough
What Is Voice Hoarseness?
You may have voice hoarseness if one day, during the winter season, you wake up with a rough or husky voice. If you do not treat your symptoms, you may partially or completely lose your voice. Voice hoarseness has a connection to the winter months when people spend hours outside in colder weather. Here are some home remedies you can try to relieve your symptoms faster.
1. Stay Hydrated
It is no surprise to most people that warm teas with honey, ginger, or lemon help relieve your symptoms when you lose your voice or have a sore throat. In fact, drinking water is important for your overall vocal cord health. The amount of water each person should drink varies. You should definitely avoid drinking caffeine or alcohol, as either can dehydrate your voice and worsen your symptoms. You want to keep a moistened throat to soothe your symptoms.
2. Protect Your Voice
This season can be full of fun activities due to the holidays. If you wake up and you’ve lost your voice over the winter, do not panic. However, it is important you rest your voice. You should not use your voice for too long or too loudly. If you are a singer, you should rest and wait before you resume performances. If you do decide to attend a social gathering, do not spend your time whispering or clearing your throat. This actually causes more strain on your vocal cords. The goal is to protect your voice from further damage.
3. Don’t Surround Yourself With Smoke
If you smoke or vape regularly, stop for at least a few days. Similarly, even if you do not smoke, you should not surround yourself with people who do. Smoking causes throat inflammation and can worsen your symptoms.
4. Use A Humidifier
Inhaling humidified steam can help you regain your voice faster. You may use a humidifier to keep the air moist while you are at home or work. Inhaling steam from a bowl of hot water or a hot shower can also help. Try using a humidifier throughout the day and night when experiencing voice loss symptoms.
How Can Someone Treat Persistent Voice Hoarseness?
The following professional treatments are available for a persistent rough or husky voice:
- Vocal hygiene instruction
- Treatment of reflux
- Voice therapy
- Surgery to remove vocal nodules, vocal polyps, vocal cysts, scarring of the vocal cords, and removal of laryngeal tumors
- Vocal cord injection of Botox to treat spasmodic dysphonia
- Vocal cord injections of calcium or hyaluronic acid-based material to treat vocal cord paralysis or thinning of the vocal cords associated with aging
When Should You Consult A Doctor?
If you follow the wintertime remedies mentioned above and your voice issues still persist for 3 weeks or more, speak to a doctor. For residents in Maryland, consider Anne Arundel ENT & Facial Plastic Surgery. With over 25 years of experience, and locations in both Annapolis and Severna Park to serve clients, Anne Arundel ENT is ready to serve your needs for an ENT (ear, nose, and throat doctor) and offers facial plastic surgery and medispa services as well. Call us today at 410-573-9191 for a consultation.