
A cough is a reflex that clears the throat of mucus, irritants, and foreign particles.

A persistent cough can be bad for your health, causing discomfort and often being a symptom of a larger underlying issue.

Young Business Man Sneezing. Coughing Into His Sleeve

While typically seen as a transient symptom, a cough can sometimes be the herald of underlying conditions requiring more attention and care. In many instances, a prolonged or severe cough might hint at issues not just limited to the common cold or fleeting allergies. At AAENT, nestled in the heart of Annapolis, MD, and Severna Park, MD, our dedicated team prioritizes determining the fundamental causes of these enduring coughs. Our mission is to treat the symptoms and delve deep, ensuring every patient can breathe without hindrance and embrace a life unburdened by persistent coughing.

Man coughing while working at home

Recognizing Symptoms of Chronic Cough

  • Consistent coughing that extends beyond eight weeks
  • Discomfort or pain in the chest region
  • Frequent disturbances in sleep due to coughing episodes
  • Audible wheezing during coughing or breathing
  • Traces of blood accompanying the mucus
  • Associated symptoms, including fever, sudden weight loss, or night sweats

What causes a cough?

The most common causes for a cough are:

  • Reflux
  • Postnasal drip
  • Allergies (environmental or food)
  • A sinus infection
  • Asthma
  • Upper respiratory infections
  • Neurogenic cough / post viral cough
  • Bronchitis
  • COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease)
  • A malignancy or chronic inflammatory process (in extremely rare instances)

What are self-care remedies can the providers at AAENT recommend for treating a cough?

  • Quit smoking.
  • Stay hydrated, fluids can soothe an irritated throat.
  • Use a humidifier to add moisture to the air during dry months.
  • Avoid exposure to irritants, including: smoke, dust, or other pollutants.
  • Use over the counter cough medicine containing dextromethorphan and guaifenesin

When does a cough require medical intervention?

You should visit the doctor if your cough is severe, lasts longer than 14 days, or occurs in conjunction with 1 or more of the following symptoms:

  • Chills, night time coughing fits and the inability to sleep.
  • A fever that persists for more than 3 days.
  • When your cough produces excessive or bloody mucus.
Women sitting in bed, dealing with a cough

You should seek immediate emergency for a cough that’s accompanied by one or more of the following:

  • Excessive wheezing
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Chest tightness
  • Coughing up blood (a possible sign of internal bleeding)

Why Addressing Chronic Cough is Essential

Addressing a persistent cough is not just about alleviating a bothersome symptom; it’s about understanding and treating potential underlying health concerns. While many might dismiss a cough as merely a transient annoyance, chronic coughing can signify more complex conditions like GERD, asthma, or upper respiratory tract infections. These conditions not only interfere with daily life by causing discomfort and disrupting sleep but can lead to longer-term health issues if left unaddressed.

Moreover, an unresolved chronic cough can pose specific challenges for individuals exploring the realm of ENT treatments. Prolonged coughing bouts might complicate certain ENT procedures, possibly affecting their efficacy and post-surgery recovery. Therefore, at AAENT, we emphasize the importance of diagnosing and managing chronic coughs, ensuring a safer and more effective treatment journey for our patients.

How does AAENT evaluate acute and chronic cough?

The providers at AAENT begin by taking a medical history, discussing each patient’s symptoms, and conducting a physical examination. In addition to the standard exam that can be performed by a primary care physician, our providers will perform a flexible laryngoscopy to evaluate for signs of inflammation, tumors, or irregular movements of the vocal cords. Sometimes for further evaluation a videostroboscopy will be required, which allows the doctor to see a closer look at the larynx, so he can better evaluate the movement of the larynx. This is especially helpful when evaluating difficult to treat chronic cough.

Here are some treatment methods for both acute and chronic cough:

Acute Cough:

  • Antibiotics, if your cough is caused by a bacterial infection.
  • Antihistamines and decongestants, if the underlying cause is an allergy or postnasal drip.
  • Antitussives, which is a prescription cough suppressant and generally only used if previous treatments are ineffective.
  • Glucocorticoids and bronchodilators, to relax your airway if your cough is related to asthma.

Chronic Cough:

  • Anti-reflux medications.
  • Oral and topical glucocorticoids.
  • Medications to modulate nerve conduction from the larynx, “the reset button for the cough.“
  • Injections to fix “leaky vocal cords,” common in the elderly and in certain neurological conditions. These injections can now be done safely and easily under local anesthesia.  
  • Surgery to remove vocal cord tumors (rare instances)

Your Treatment Journey with AAENT

Personalized Consultation: Our approach begins with understanding your unique case. We delve into your medical history, analyze the cough's patterns, and gather all necessary data points.

Advanced Diagnostic Methods: Depending on the initial consultation's outcomes, our team might recommend tests like lung function assessments, chest X-rays, or allergy evaluations.

Tailored Treatment Plans: Upon determining the root cause, we'll craft a customized treatment roadmap for you. This could encompass medications, therapies, or lifestyle adjustments.

Proactive Prevention for a Cough-free Life

  • Steer clear of smoking and minimize exposure to second-hand smoke.
  • Consider air purifiers to mitigate allergens in your surroundings.
  • Ensure you’re up-to-date with vaccinations, particularly those safeguarding against flu and pneumonia.
  • Adhere to good hygiene practices and be extra cautious during flu season or amidst respiratory infection outbreaks.

Brighter Days Ahead: Outlook for Chronic Cough Patients

At AAENT, we recognize a chronic cough’s profound impact on an individual’s everyday life, from simple conversations to a night’s restful sleep. But with our unwavering commitment to patient well-being, there’s a hopeful horizon for those struggling with this condition. Our tailored treatments and holistic approach promise not just symptomatic relief but a brighter, cough-free future. Embracing treatment early on and adhering to medical advice can drastically elevate the chances of a complete recovery, ensuring the nuisance of persistent coughing becomes a thing of the past.

Furthermore, for those planning on undergoing ENT-specific procedures, tackling chronic cough ahead of time is crucial. A well-managed cough condition sets the stage for smoother surgical processes and quicker post-operative recuperation. At AAENT, our goal is to guide our patients through their healing journey, ensuring each step leads to a clearer path and an enhanced quality of life.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What causes a chronic cough?

A: A chronic cough can arise due to a myriad of reasons, including GERD, asthma, upper respiratory infections, or exposure to irritants. At AAENT, we conduct comprehensive assessments to pinpoint the exact cause and devise a tailored treatment approach.

Q: How long should I wait before seeking medical advice for a persistent cough?

A: While a temporary cough can be a result of common ailments like a cold, it’s advisable to consult with a doctor if it persists beyond eight weeks. Early diagnosis and intervention can prevent potential complications.

Q: Is there a direct connection between ENT procedures and chronic cough?

A: A lingering cough might affect certain ENT treatments and surgeries’ outcomes. Addressing and managing a chronic cough can ensure smoother procedures and optimal post-treatment results at AAENT.

Embark on a Path to Relief

Navigating health challenges becomes significantly easier when you have experts like AAENT by your side. Our commitment is to your well-being, ensuring every breath you take is comfortable. For a detailed consultation or to explore more, don’t hesitate to connect at (410) 573-9191.

Have a severe cough? Contact Us Today.

Young Business Man Sneezing. Coughing Into His Sleeve

A cough is a reflex that clears the throat of mucus, irritants, and foreign particles.

A persistent cough can be bad for your health, causing discomfort and often being a symptom of a larger underlying issue.

Young Business Man Sneezing. Coughing Into His Sleeve

While typically seen as a transient symptom, a cough can sometimes be the herald of underlying conditions requiring more attention and care. In many instances, a prolonged or severe cough might hint at issues not just limited to the common cold or fleeting allergies. At AAENT, nestled in the heart of Annapolis, MD, and Severna Park, MD, our dedicated team prioritizes determining the fundamental causes of these enduring coughs. Our mission is to treat the symptoms and delve deep, ensuring every patient can breathe without hindrance and embrace a life unburdened by persistent coughing.

Man coughing while working at home

Recognizing Symptoms of Chronic Cough

  • Consistent coughing that extends beyond eight weeks
  • Discomfort or pain in the chest region
  • Frequent disturbances in sleep due to coughing episodes
  • Audible wheezing during coughing or breathing
  • Traces of blood accompanying the mucus
  • Associated symptoms, including fever, sudden weight loss, or night sweats

What causes a cough?

The most common causes for a cough are:

  • Reflux
  • Postnasal drip
  • Allergies (environmental or food)
  • A sinus infection
  • Asthma
  • Upper respiratory infections
  • Neurogenic cough / post viral cough
  • Bronchitis
  • COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease)
  • A malignancy or chronic inflammatory process (in extremely rare instances)

What are self-care remedies can the providers at AAENT recommend for treating a cough?

  • Quit smoking.
  • Stay hydrated, fluids can soothe an irritated throat.
  • Use a humidifier to add moisture to the air during dry months.
  • Avoid exposure to irritants, including: smoke, dust, or other pollutants.
  • Use over the counter cough medicine containing dextromethorphan and guaifenesin

When does a cough require medical intervention?

You should visit the doctor if your cough is severe, lasts longer than 14 days, or occurs in conjunction with 1 or more of the following symptoms:

  • Chills, night time coughing fits and the inability to sleep.
  • A fever that persists for more than 3 days.
  • When your cough produces excessive or bloody mucus.
Women sitting in bed, dealing with a cough

You should seek immediate emergency for a cough that’s accompanied by one or more of the following:

  • Excessive wheezing
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Chest tightness
  • Coughing up blood (a possible sign of internal bleeding)

Why Addressing Chronic Cough is Essential

Addressing a persistent cough is not just about alleviating a bothersome symptom; it’s about understanding and treating potential underlying health concerns. While many might dismiss a cough as merely a transient annoyance, chronic coughing can signify more complex conditions like GERD, asthma, or upper respiratory tract infections. These conditions not only interfere with daily life by causing discomfort and disrupting sleep but can lead to longer-term health issues if left unaddressed.

Moreover, an unresolved chronic cough can pose specific challenges for individuals exploring the realm of ENT treatments. Prolonged coughing bouts might complicate certain ENT procedures, possibly affecting their efficacy and post-surgery recovery. Therefore, at AAENT, we emphasize the importance of diagnosing and managing chronic coughs, ensuring a safer and more effective treatment journey for our patients.

How does AAENT evaluate acute and chronic cough?

The providers at AAENT begin by taking a medical history, discussing each patient’s symptoms, and conducting a physical examination. In addition to the standard exam that can be performed by a primary care physician, our providers will perform a flexible laryngoscopy to evaluate for signs of inflammation, tumors, or irregular movements of the vocal cords. Sometimes for further evaluation a videostroboscopy will be required, which allows the doctor to see a closer look at the larynx, so he can better evaluate the movement of the larynx. This is especially helpful when evaluating difficult to treat chronic cough.

Here are some treatment methods for both acute and chronic cough:

Acute Cough:

  • Antibiotics, if your cough is caused by a bacterial infection.
  • Antihistamines and decongestants, if the underlying cause is an allergy or postnasal drip.
  • Antitussives, which is a prescription cough suppressant and generally only used if previous treatments are ineffective.
  • Glucocorticoids and bronchodilators, to relax your airway if your cough is related to asthma.

Chronic Cough:

  • Anti-reflux medications.
  • Oral and topical glucocorticoids.
  • Medications to modulate nerve conduction from the larynx, “the reset button for the cough.“
  • Injections to fix “leaky vocal cords,” common in the elderly and in certain neurological conditions. These injections can now be done safely and easily under local anesthesia.  
  • Surgery to remove vocal cord tumors (rare instances)

Your Treatment Journey with AAENT

Personalized Consultation: Our approach begins with understanding your unique case. We delve into your medical history, analyze the cough's patterns, and gather all necessary data points.

Advanced Diagnostic Methods: Depending on the initial consultation's outcomes, our team might recommend tests like lung function assessments, chest X-rays, or allergy evaluations.

Tailored Treatment Plans: Upon determining the root cause, we'll craft a customized treatment roadmap for you. This could encompass medications, therapies, or lifestyle adjustments.

Proactive Prevention for a Cough-free Life

  • Steer clear of smoking and minimize exposure to second-hand smoke.
  • Consider air purifiers to mitigate allergens in your surroundings.
  • Ensure you’re up-to-date with vaccinations, particularly those safeguarding against flu and pneumonia.
  • Adhere to good hygiene practices and be extra cautious during flu season or amidst respiratory infection outbreaks.

Brighter Days Ahead: Outlook for Chronic Cough Patients

At AAENT, we recognize a chronic cough’s profound impact on an individual’s everyday life, from simple conversations to a night’s restful sleep. But with our unwavering commitment to patient well-being, there’s a hopeful horizon for those struggling with this condition. Our tailored treatments and holistic approach promise not just symptomatic relief but a brighter, cough-free future. Embracing treatment early on and adhering to medical advice can drastically elevate the chances of a complete recovery, ensuring the nuisance of persistent coughing becomes a thing of the past.

Furthermore, for those planning on undergoing ENT-specific procedures, tackling chronic cough ahead of time is crucial. A well-managed cough condition sets the stage for smoother surgical processes and quicker post-operative recuperation. At AAENT, our goal is to guide our patients through their healing journey, ensuring each step leads to a clearer path and an enhanced quality of life.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What causes a chronic cough?

A: A chronic cough can arise due to a myriad of reasons, including GERD, asthma, upper respiratory infections, or exposure to irritants. At AAENT, we conduct comprehensive assessments to pinpoint the exact cause and devise a tailored treatment approach.

Q: How long should I wait before seeking medical advice for a persistent cough?

A: While a temporary cough can be a result of common ailments like a cold, it’s advisable to consult with a doctor if it persists beyond eight weeks. Early diagnosis and intervention can prevent potential complications.

Q: Is there a direct connection between ENT procedures and chronic cough?

A: A lingering cough might affect certain ENT treatments and surgeries’ outcomes. Addressing and managing a chronic cough can ensure smoother procedures and optimal post-treatment results at AAENT.

Embark on a Path to Relief

Navigating health challenges becomes significantly easier when you have experts like AAENT by your side. Our commitment is to your well-being, ensuring every breath you take is comfortable. For a detailed consultation or to explore more, don’t hesitate to connect at (410) 573-9191.

Have a severe cough? Contact Us Today.

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