Nasal Obstruction & Rhinitis

Nasal obstructions can be caused by a variety of factors and can result in rhinitis, or nasal inflammation.

One common cause of nasal obstruction and inflammation is excess mucus production as a result of colds or flus.

Woman with nose allergy

 At Anne Arundel ENT & Facial Plastic Surgery, we will first attempt to treat the obstruction using antibiotics. In cases where the obstruction does not respond to antibiotics, then we offer a selection of simple surgical procedures to remove the blockage. 

Couple relaxing without a Nasal Obstruction in sight

Did You Know?

Nasal obstruction is not a disease on its own, rather it is a symptom that can indicate an underlying disorder. Some causes of nasal obstruction are more common than others, for example allergies are more common than nasal polyps. 

Nasal Obstructions Can Cause Symptoms Such As:

  • Runny Nose
  • Mouth Breathing
  • Sleep Apnea
  • Postnasal Drip
  • Feelings of pressure in the forehead or face
Restore Proper Airflow

Your exact treatment plan will depend upon the type and extent of your nasal obstruction.

Nasal Polyps

Nasal polyps are noncancerous growths of mucosal tissue that form on the inside of your nose as a result of chronic inflammation and/or irritation. When nasal polyps grow large enough, they can impede airflow and make your nose feel stuffed.

Inferior Turbinate Hypertrophy

Turbinates are bony structures inside the nasal passages that regulate airflow in terms of temperature and humidity. Unfortunately, these structures are highly sensitive to allergens and irritants. When turbinates become irritated, they swell and obstruct airflow.

Deviated Septum

Your septum is a piece of cartilage that separates the two nostrils. When the septum is not positioned properly, it can obstruct one or both of the nostrils.

Large Adenoids

Adenoids are small glands located behind the nasal passages and above the roof of the mouth. They help to protect the body from viruses and bacteria, and swell when an infection is present. If the adenoids swell to a large enough size, they can close off the airway between the nasal cavity and throat. When this happens, an individual can only breathe through their mouth.

Choanal Atresia

Choanal atresia is a congenital condition where there is excess tissue in the nasal cavity that causes the nasal airway to be narrowed or blocked.

Presence of a Foreign Object

In some cases, nasal obstructions can occur when a child places something inside of their nasal passageways and it has gotten stuck.

Surgical Procedures:


A Septoplasty is a surgical procedure performed through small incisions inside the nose that repositions bone and cartilage to treat a deviated septum. In some cases, excess bone may also be removed to ensure that air can flow evenly through both nostrils. A septoplasty can be performed under local or general anesthesia, and takes a few hours to complete. It is performed as an outpatient procedure, meaning that you will be able to go home the same day as your procedure. 

Turbinate Reduction

Turbinate reduction is a procedure used to reduce the size of turbinates in order to open up the airways. It is often performed in coordination with a septoplasty and is sometimes known as “liposuction of the nose”. Since turbinate reduction is normally performed with a septoplasty, the treatment and recovery process are the same. 

Valve Repair

The nasal valve is the narrowest point in the nasal passage where air passes through during inhalation. Nasal valve collapse can occur when the sidewalls collapse and block the flow of air when inhaling. Nasal valve repair is a surgical procedure that corrects nasal valve collapse by creating a tiny cartilage tube to keep the valve open. Oftentimes, this tube is made of the patient’s own cartilage, taken from the nasal septum or the ear. A Latera nasal valve implant may also be inserted to keep the valve open. Turbinate reduction may also be performed in coordination with valve repair surgery. 

Attractive cute woman gardener smelling pink flowers

Non-Surgical Treatments & Technology


Sinuva® is a non-surgical treatment that shrinks nasal polyps. It is a steroid-releasing implant that is placed in the sinus cavity via the nasal opening. This implant expands the sinus cavity and delivers a steroid directly to the sinus for 90 days. The steroids treat chronic sinusitis and decrease the size of nasal polyps, which alleviates nasal obstruction. 


When hyperactive nerves send too many signals to the nose, this can cause symptoms of rhinitis such as dripping, inflammation, and swelling of the nasal passages. ClariFix® Cryotherapy uses extreme cold to interrupt these nerve signals in order to reduce the symptoms associated with rhinitis. The procedure only takes a few minutes and is performed under local anesthesia. Most patients notice a reduction in symptoms approximately 2-6 weeks after treatment. 


Propel® sinus stent is a small device that is inserted into the sinus passages in order to keep them open after surgery. The stent also delivers antiinflammatory medications that decrease postoperative scarring and inflammation, which reduces the need for additional surgeries or oral steroids after surgery. As the sinus heals, the stent dissolves within 45 days after surgery. 


VivAer® is a small stylus that is inserted into the nasal airway and used to easily treat many causes of nasal obstruction with one treatment. The stylus uses radiofrequency (RF) technology to remodel nasal cartilage and soft tissue while maintaining the surrounding tissues. VivAer® has been used to increase the size of the nasal valve, shrink turbinates, and reduce small tissue obstruction on the septum. The procedure is non-invasive and can be performed without the need for incisions. 

Woman with nose allergy

Nasal obstructions can be caused by a variety of factors and can result in rhinitis, or nasal inflammation.

One common cause of nasal obstruction and inflammation is excess mucus production as a result of colds or flus.

Woman with nose allergy

 At Anne Arundel ENT & Facial Plastic Surgery, we will first attempt to treat the obstruction using antibiotics. In cases where the obstruction does not respond to antibiotics, then we offer a selection of simple surgical procedures to remove the blockage. 

Couple relaxing without a Nasal Obstruction in sight

Did You Know?

Nasal obstruction is not a disease on its own, rather it is a symptom that can indicate an underlying disorder. Some causes of nasal obstruction are more common than others, for example allergies are more common than nasal polyps. 

Nasal Obstructions Can Cause Symptoms Such As:

  • Runny Nose
  • Mouth Breathing
  • Sleep Apnea
  • Postnasal Drip
  • Feelings of pressure in the forehead or face
Restore Proper Airflow

Your exact treatment plan will depend upon the type and extent of your nasal obstruction.

Nasal Polyps

Nasal polyps are noncancerous growths of mucosal tissue that form on the inside of your nose as a result of chronic inflammation and/or irritation. When nasal polyps grow large enough, they can impede airflow and make your nose feel stuffed.

Inferior Turbinate Hypertrophy

Turbinates are bony structures inside the nasal passages that regulate airflow in terms of temperature and humidity. Unfortunately, these structures are highly sensitive to allergens and irritants. When turbinates become irritated, they swell and obstruct airflow.

Deviated Septum

Your septum is a piece of cartilage that separates the two nostrils. When the septum is not positioned properly, it can obstruct one or both of the nostrils.

Large Adenoids

Adenoids are small glands located behind the nasal passages and above the roof of the mouth. They help to protect the body from viruses and bacteria, and swell when an infection is present. If the adenoids swell to a large enough size, they can close off the airway between the nasal cavity and throat. When this happens, an individual can only breathe through their mouth.

Choanal Atresia

Choanal atresia is a congenital condition where there is excess tissue in the nasal cavity that causes the nasal airway to be narrowed or blocked.

Presence of a Foreign Object

In some cases, nasal obstructions can occur when a child places something inside of their nasal passageways and it has gotten stuck.

Surgical Procedures:


A Septoplasty is a surgical procedure performed through small incisions inside the nose that repositions bone and cartilage to treat a deviated septum. In some cases, excess bone may also be removed to ensure that air can flow evenly through both nostrils. A septoplasty can be performed under local or general anesthesia, and takes a few hours to complete. It is performed as an outpatient procedure, meaning that you will be able to go home the same day as your procedure. 

Turbinate Reduction

Turbinate reduction is a procedure used to reduce the size of turbinates in order to open up the airways. It is often performed in coordination with a septoplasty and is sometimes known as “liposuction of the nose”. Since turbinate reduction is normally performed with a septoplasty, the treatment and recovery process are the same. 

Valve Repair

The nasal valve is the narrowest point in the nasal passage where air passes through during inhalation. Nasal valve collapse can occur when the sidewalls collapse and block the flow of air when inhaling. Nasal valve repair is a surgical procedure that corrects nasal valve collapse by creating a tiny cartilage tube to keep the valve open. Oftentimes, this tube is made of the patient’s own cartilage, taken from the nasal septum or the ear. A Latera nasal valve implant may also be inserted to keep the valve open. Turbinate reduction may also be performed in coordination with valve repair surgery. 

Attractive cute woman gardener smelling pink flowers

Non-Surgical Treatments & Technology


Sinuva® is a non-surgical treatment that shrinks nasal polyps. It is a steroid-releasing implant that is placed in the sinus cavity via the nasal opening. This implant expands the sinus cavity and delivers a steroid directly to the sinus for 90 days. The steroids treat chronic sinusitis and decrease the size of nasal polyps, which alleviates nasal obstruction. 


When hyperactive nerves send too many signals to the nose, this can cause symptoms of rhinitis such as dripping, inflammation, and swelling of the nasal passages. ClariFix® Cryotherapy uses extreme cold to interrupt these nerve signals in order to reduce the symptoms associated with rhinitis. The procedure only takes a few minutes and is performed under local anesthesia. Most patients notice a reduction in symptoms approximately 2-6 weeks after treatment. 


Propel® sinus stent is a small device that is inserted into the sinus passages in order to keep them open after surgery. The stent also delivers antiinflammatory medications that decrease postoperative scarring and inflammation, which reduces the need for additional surgeries or oral steroids after surgery. As the sinus heals, the stent dissolves within 45 days after surgery. 


VivAer® is a small stylus that is inserted into the nasal airway and used to easily treat many causes of nasal obstruction with one treatment. The stylus uses radiofrequency (RF) technology to remodel nasal cartilage and soft tissue while maintaining the surrounding tissues. VivAer® has been used to increase the size of the nasal valve, shrink turbinates, and reduce small tissue obstruction on the septum. The procedure is non-invasive and can be performed without the need for incisions. 

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