Picosure Focus

PicoSure® Focus Skin Revitalization is a minimally invasive cosmetic treatment that revitalizes your skin.

PicoSure® Focus removes unwanted pigments, wrinkles, and acne scars.

Smiling woman touching healthy skin

Welcome to a revolution in skin rejuvenation—PicoSure Focus. At AAENT MediSpa, we continuously explore the cutting-edge of aesthetic treatments, and PicoSure Focus stands as a testament to our commitment. This innovative procedure promises results that have redefined standards in the skincare industry.

PicoSure® Focus Skin Revitalization works by delivering short bursts of focused laser energy to the pigmented area, without damaging the surrounding skin. The wavelengths used by PicoSure® can be used to target different colored pigments. For example, the 755 nm wavelength is able to target black, blue, and green tattoo inks, while the 532 nm wavelength targets red, yellow, and orange pigments. 

Before and after facial PicoSure treatment

Did You Know?

Unlike other forms of laser treatment that use intense heat to obtain results, PicoSure® uses a gentler form of laser technology that provides results without discomfort or downtime. Additionally, PicoSure® technology allows the treatment to be carefully customized to the type and extent of skin pigmentation. 

Restore Flawless Skin

Your skin can become pigmented for a variety of reasons. There are also different types of skin pigmentations such as tattoo ink, scars, sun damage, pigmented lesions, freckles, or brown spots. PicoSure® technology allows the treatment to be carefully customized to the type and extent of skin pigmentation so that it can effectively remove pigments and restore flawless skin. 

Can Remove Pigments From

  • Chest
  • Face
  • Hands
  • Legs 

Common Skin Concerns Addressed by PicoSure Focus

  • Age spots and sun damage: Prolonged exposure can lead to age spots and discolorations over time. PicoSure Focus effectively targets these darkened areas, breaking them down and rejuvenating the skin’s appearance.
  • Fine lines and wrinkles: The natural aging process, combined with factors like sun exposure and environmental pollutants, can cause the skin to lose its elasticity. PicoSure Focus stimulates collagen and elastin production, reducing the appearance of fine lines and restoring a youthful complexion.
  • Acne scars and blemishes: Past acne breakouts can leave behind scarring and uneven skin texture. PicoSure Focus directly addresses these scars, promoting skin healing and evening out skin texture, leading to a smoother skin surface.
  • Uneven skin tone and texture: Hormonal changes, aging, and skin injuries can cause uneven skin tone. PicoSure Focus helps balance the skin’s pigmentation and refine its texture, giving it a more consistent and radiant look.
  • Tattoo ink particles: PicoSure Focus isn’t just for natural skin concerns. It’s also a revolutionary solution for those looking to fade or remove unwanted tattoos. The treatment effectively breaks down tattoo ink particles, allowing the body to eliminate them over time naturally.

Why Consider PicoSure Focus?

  • Advanced Technology: PicoSure Focus employs picosecond laser technology. This means it releases energy in ultra-short bursts, making treatments more effective and less damaging to surrounding skin.
  • Safety and Precision: The treatment allows for targeted precision, ensuring only the problem areas are addressed and minimizing potential risks.
  • All Skin Types Friendly: PicoSure Focus offers a versatile solution that is effective for various skin types and concerns, setting it apart from other treatments that may be limiting.

Your Journey with PicoSure Focus

Consultation begins with a thorough consultation where our doctors will assess your skin concerns and tailor a treatment plan.

Treatment Sessions: During the treatment, the PicoSure Focus laser device will be moved over the target areas. You might feel a slight snapping sensation. Each session usually lasts between 15-30 minutes.

A numbing cream will be applied to keep you comfortable.

Then, the laser will be moved across the treatment area. During the treatment, you may experience the feeling of tiny sparks on the skin, however you should not experience any pain.

The entire treatment generally takes about 15-30 minutes to complete, however it can take longer depending on the size of the pigmented area.

For best results, it is usually recommended to have at least three treatments spaced four weeks apart. In some cases, more treatments may be recommended.

Post-Treatment Care: You might notice slight redness after the procedure, which should subside within a few hours. Following post-treatment care guidelines, such as avoiding sun exposure, is essential.

Recovery Process

  • You will be able to return home within the same day
  • No downtime
  • Can wear makeup & sunscreen immediately after treatment
  • May experience minor redness and swelling for up to 3 hours

PicoSure® Focus Skin Revitalization provides an easy and effective way to remove and/or decrease the appearance of pigmented areas on the chest, face, hands, or legs. Its technology allows it to target and break down different colored pigments without harming the skin. The end result is flawless, evenly toned skin. 

Maintaining Your Revitalized Skin

One of the paramount steps in preserving your newly treated skin is sun protection. After undergoing treatments, your skin can be particularly sensitive, making sunscreen indispensable. Ensure you’re generously applying and reapplying to keep your skin looking its best, especially in the initial post-treatment days. Additionally, establishing a regular skincare routine is essential. A regimen that encompasses gentle cleansing and diligent moisturizing can significantly uphold and extend the results you’ve achieved with your treatment.

Furthermore, skincare continues beyond topical applications. Staying internally hydrated plays a pivotal role in maintaining that post-treatment glow. Drinking ample water nourishes the skin from the inside out, ensuring it remains supple and radiant. Lastly, our doctor might recommend periodic follow-up treatments to optimize and sustain the benefits of PicoSure Focus. These sessions are tailored to your skin’s evolving needs, ensuring it continues to reflect the best version of you.

Looking Ahead: Life After PicoSure Focus

Upon completing your PicoSure Focus treatment journey, you can expect a noticeable improvement in your skin’s clarity, texture, and tone. Over time, and with proper care, the results will become even more pronounced, revealing a fresher, younger-looking complexion. Though individual experiences may vary, many clients have renewed confidence in their rejuvenated skin.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What is PicoSure Focus?

A: PicoSure Focus is an advanced laser treatment designed for skin rejuvenation. It uses picosecond laser technology to address various skin concerns, from age spots to tattoo ink particles, with minimal downtime.

Q: How many PicoSure Focus sessions will I need?

A: The number of sessions varies based on individual skin concerns and desired results. Typically, patients see noticeable improvements after a few sessions. During your consultation at AAENT MediSpa, our doctor will provide a personalized treatment plan tailored to your needs.

Q: Is the PicoSure Focus treatment painful?

A: While discomfort varies from person to person, most patients describe the sensation during treatment as a slight snapping against the skin. Topical numbing creams can be applied for those with sensitive skin to ensure a more comfortable experience.

Let’s Begin Your Skin Transformation

Opting for PicoSure Focus at AAENT MediSpa represents more than a treatment; it signifies a transformative journey toward impeccable skin health. It’s about moving past temporary solutions and diving deep into holistic skin renewal. Our expert team is poised to ensure that this experience is seamless, rewarding, and tailored to your unique needs. With every session, we inch closer to revealing the skin that not only looks rejuvenated but feels revitalized from within.


Your skin tells your story, and we’re here to make sure it’s as radiant as the chapters of your life. By harnessing the groundbreaking technology of PicoSure Focus, we aim to address not just the superficial imperfections but the underlying causes, promoting skin that thrives in its natural beauty. When you’re ready to embark on this transformative journey, reach out to us at (410) 573-9191. Together, let’s shape a narrative that exudes confidence, beauty, and resilience.

Flawless Skin without damaging the surroundings.

guy touching with flawless clean soft skin
Smiling woman touching healthy skin

PicoSure® Focus Skin Revitalization is a minimally invasive cosmetic treatment that revitalizes your skin.

PicoSure® Focus removes unwanted pigments, wrinkles, and acne scars.

Smiling woman touching healthy skin

Welcome to a revolution in skin rejuvenation—PicoSure Focus. At AAENT MediSpa, we continuously explore the cutting-edge of aesthetic treatments, and PicoSure Focus stands as a testament to our commitment. This innovative procedure promises results that have redefined standards in the skincare industry.

PicoSure® Focus Skin Revitalization works by delivering short bursts of focused laser energy to the pigmented area, without damaging the surrounding skin. The wavelengths used by PicoSure® can be used to target different colored pigments. For example, the 755 nm wavelength is able to target black, blue, and green tattoo inks, while the 532 nm wavelength targets red, yellow, and orange pigments. 

Before and after facial PicoSure treatment

Did You Know?

Unlike other forms of laser treatment that use intense heat to obtain results, PicoSure® uses a gentler form of laser technology that provides results without discomfort or downtime. Additionally, PicoSure® technology allows the treatment to be carefully customized to the type and extent of skin pigmentation. 

Restore Flawless Skin

Your skin can become pigmented for a variety of reasons. There are also different types of skin pigmentations such as tattoo ink, scars, sun damage, pigmented lesions, freckles, or brown spots. PicoSure® technology allows the treatment to be carefully customized to the type and extent of skin pigmentation so that it can effectively remove pigments and restore flawless skin. 

Can Remove Pigments From

  • Chest
  • Face
  • Hands
  • Legs 

Common Skin Concerns Addressed by PicoSure Focus

  • Age spots and sun damage: Prolonged exposure can lead to age spots and discolorations over time. PicoSure Focus effectively targets these darkened areas, breaking them down and rejuvenating the skin’s appearance.
  • Fine lines and wrinkles: The natural aging process, combined with factors like sun exposure and environmental pollutants, can cause the skin to lose its elasticity. PicoSure Focus stimulates collagen and elastin production, reducing the appearance of fine lines and restoring a youthful complexion.
  • Acne scars and blemishes: Past acne breakouts can leave behind scarring and uneven skin texture. PicoSure Focus directly addresses these scars, promoting skin healing and evening out skin texture, leading to a smoother skin surface.
  • Uneven skin tone and texture: Hormonal changes, aging, and skin injuries can cause uneven skin tone. PicoSure Focus helps balance the skin’s pigmentation and refine its texture, giving it a more consistent and radiant look.
  • Tattoo ink particles: PicoSure Focus isn’t just for natural skin concerns. It’s also a revolutionary solution for those looking to fade or remove unwanted tattoos. The treatment effectively breaks down tattoo ink particles, allowing the body to eliminate them over time naturally.

Why Consider PicoSure Focus?

  • Advanced Technology: PicoSure Focus employs picosecond laser technology. This means it releases energy in ultra-short bursts, making treatments more effective and less damaging to surrounding skin.
  • Safety and Precision: The treatment allows for targeted precision, ensuring only the problem areas are addressed and minimizing potential risks.
  • All Skin Types Friendly: PicoSure Focus offers a versatile solution that is effective for various skin types and concerns, setting it apart from other treatments that may be limiting.

Your Journey with PicoSure Focus

Consultation begins with a thorough consultation where our doctors will assess your skin concerns and tailor a treatment plan.

Treatment Sessions: During the treatment, the PicoSure Focus laser device will be moved over the target areas. You might feel a slight snapping sensation. Each session usually lasts between 15-30 minutes.

A numbing cream will be applied to keep you comfortable.

Then, the laser will be moved across the treatment area. During the treatment, you may experience the feeling of tiny sparks on the skin, however you should not experience any pain.

The entire treatment generally takes about 15-30 minutes to complete, however it can take longer depending on the size of the pigmented area.

For best results, it is usually recommended to have at least three treatments spaced four weeks apart. In some cases, more treatments may be recommended.

Post-Treatment Care: You might notice slight redness after the procedure, which should subside within a few hours. Following post-treatment care guidelines, such as avoiding sun exposure, is essential.

Recovery Process

  • You will be able to return home within the same day
  • No downtime
  • Can wear makeup & sunscreen immediately after treatment
  • May experience minor redness and swelling for up to 3 hours

PicoSure® Focus Skin Revitalization provides an easy and effective way to remove and/or decrease the appearance of pigmented areas on the chest, face, hands, or legs. Its technology allows it to target and break down different colored pigments without harming the skin. The end result is flawless, evenly toned skin. 

Maintaining Your Revitalized Skin

One of the paramount steps in preserving your newly treated skin is sun protection. After undergoing treatments, your skin can be particularly sensitive, making sunscreen indispensable. Ensure you’re generously applying and reapplying to keep your skin looking its best, especially in the initial post-treatment days. Additionally, establishing a regular skincare routine is essential. A regimen that encompasses gentle cleansing and diligent moisturizing can significantly uphold and extend the results you’ve achieved with your treatment.

Furthermore, skincare continues beyond topical applications. Staying internally hydrated plays a pivotal role in maintaining that post-treatment glow. Drinking ample water nourishes the skin from the inside out, ensuring it remains supple and radiant. Lastly, our doctor might recommend periodic follow-up treatments to optimize and sustain the benefits of PicoSure Focus. These sessions are tailored to your skin’s evolving needs, ensuring it continues to reflect the best version of you.

Looking Ahead: Life After PicoSure Focus

Upon completing your PicoSure Focus treatment journey, you can expect a noticeable improvement in your skin’s clarity, texture, and tone. Over time, and with proper care, the results will become even more pronounced, revealing a fresher, younger-looking complexion. Though individual experiences may vary, many clients have renewed confidence in their rejuvenated skin.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What is PicoSure Focus?

A: PicoSure Focus is an advanced laser treatment designed for skin rejuvenation. It uses picosecond laser technology to address various skin concerns, from age spots to tattoo ink particles, with minimal downtime.

Q: How many PicoSure Focus sessions will I need?

A: The number of sessions varies based on individual skin concerns and desired results. Typically, patients see noticeable improvements after a few sessions. During your consultation at AAENT MediSpa, our doctor will provide a personalized treatment plan tailored to your needs.

Q: Is the PicoSure Focus treatment painful?

A: While discomfort varies from person to person, most patients describe the sensation during treatment as a slight snapping against the skin. Topical numbing creams can be applied for those with sensitive skin to ensure a more comfortable experience.

Let’s Begin Your Skin Transformation

Opting for PicoSure Focus at AAENT MediSpa represents more than a treatment; it signifies a transformative journey toward impeccable skin health. It’s about moving past temporary solutions and diving deep into holistic skin renewal. Our expert team is poised to ensure that this experience is seamless, rewarding, and tailored to your unique needs. With every session, we inch closer to revealing the skin that not only looks rejuvenated but feels revitalized from within.


Your skin tells your story, and we’re here to make sure it’s as radiant as the chapters of your life. By harnessing the groundbreaking technology of PicoSure Focus, we aim to address not just the superficial imperfections but the underlying causes, promoting skin that thrives in its natural beauty. When you’re ready to embark on this transformative journey, reach out to us at (410) 573-9191. Together, let’s shape a narrative that exudes confidence, beauty, and resilience.

Flawless Skin without damaging the surroundings.

guy touching with flawless clean soft skin

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