A brow lift, also sometimes called a forehead lift, is a surgical procedure that improves the appearance of the brows and forehead.
Brow lifts improve the appearance of the brows and forehead by reducing wrinkles, minimizing the appearance of frown lines, and placing the eyebrows in a more youthful position.

As we age, our facial appearance changes due to thinning of the skin, loss of facial fat, gravity, sun damage, genetics, and stress. These changes can result in wrinkles and/or frown lines on the forehead and around the eyes. The eye brows may also be affected and may droop.

Did You Know?
The best way to maintain the results of a brow lift is to minimize sun damage by taking the necessary precautions to protect your skin from the sun.
Restore a Youthful Appearance
Brow lifts can remove deep lines and creases and sagging on the forehead and around the eyebrows. They can also be used to restore a youthful appearance to the face. Though brow lift procedures cannot stop the aging process, they can take many years off the face – especially when paired with other cosmetic procedures such as eyelid surgery, facelifts, or skin resurfacing.
How Your Skin Can Change
- Lift droopy eyebrows
- Reduce creases caused by frown lines
- Smooth wrinkles
The Brow Lift Process
What to Expect
IV sedation or general anesthesia will be given to keep you comfortable and relaxed.
Your surgeon will begin the procedure by making a few small incisions within the hairline.
A thin tube with a camera attached, known as an endoscope, will be inserted into these incisions along with special tools.
These tools will adjust the tissue and muscle below the skin to decrease forehead creases.
The entire procedure will be performed through these tiny incisions, then sutures will be placed to close the incisions.
Recovery Process
- You will be able to return home within the same day
- Can return to work within 1-2 weeks
- Need to refrain from strenuous activities until cleared by your surgeon
- Keep your head elevated
- Avoid heat or ice on the treatment area
- Results will be immediate, however may not be apparent until swelling subsides
By addressing signs of aging in the forehead and eyebrow areas, brow lifts can easily take years off of your appearance or help you combat early signs of aging. Despite the fact that brow lift surgery can dramatically minimize signs of aging, your face will still have a natural appearance. Although brow lifts cannot stop the aging process, they will help you look years younger while allowing you to age gracefully.